The North Carolina Wrestling Factory

We provide individuals with the opportunity and a program which develops individual character, strength, stamina, and sportsmanship through a competitive wrestling program.


Wrestling Camps

Whether you’re new to wrestling or looking to refine your skills, our wrestling camps provide the perfect environment to push your limits and learn from the best.

We offer two unique experiences tailored to wrestlers at any level 


A non-Profit Organization

We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to grow into the person that they want to become. We not only train our wrestlers to become better athletes, we teach them mental skills that will stick with them for a lifetime.

Become a member today!

Learn more about our training programs. We have something for all ages and skill levels.

Advanced eagles


Mon & Weds 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
With Coach Dakota Roberts

Advanced wrestlers are learning and improving complex wrestling skills.
They are self-motivated, disciplined and take initiative with their training, on and off the mat.

Eagle Recruits


Tues & Thus   6:00 – 7:00 p.m. 
with Coach Barry Hull

Novice Eagles & Intermediate Eagles

… are new to the sport or have slight experience. They focus on learning and improving basic skill sets. Novice wrestlers take defeat in stride, always striving for improvement!

When both the wrestler and coach agree the Novice is ready to move on, the wrestler can move to Intermediate Training Group.

Intermediate wrestlers have some experience, are familiar with basic technique and are beginning to chain moves together to score points offensively. Intermediate wrestlers are excited to learn and meet every challenge at practice head on! 

Want to Learn More?

Mail Me


261 Niagara-Carthage Road, Carthage NC


Advanced/Intermediate Practice: Mondays and Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00pm Novice Practice: Tuesday and Thursday 6:00 - 7:15 pm


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